Do Not Let Trump Exhaust You Into Submission

It's a wonder that journalists are able to keep up with the unconscionable volume of news produced by our president, the fragile-egoed narcissist Donald Trump, and his white supremacist chief strategist (aka puppet master) Steve Bannon. Media channels are consistently exceeding engagement goals and testing their server load limits as the public is outraged into revolt. The public's consumption of news media may be at an all time high as we question the absurdity of our new reality and the outlook for our uncertain and unnerving future.

Shortly after Trump's incomprehensible election, I wrote a piece that promoted the idea that news is important and empathy for others is critical, but you and your well-being need to be nurtured as well in order for you to keep caring. Lately, however, I'm having a hard time pulling myself away from it. Sure I go outside every day, I walk my dog and enjoy sunshine and fresh air. Most of that walk I'm either scanning the latest news feed on Twitter or texting with friends and family about the latest policy change that has us distraught. I get busy with work and have to focus on meetings and deliverables, I cook, I do chores, I even socialize sometimes, and for at least a few hours a night, I sleep -- albeit restlessly. However, with a heightened sense of fear and unease triggered by this administration, I feel there's little time throughout my day that my anxiety isn't in overdrive making it impossible to truly step away from it.  

In a torrent of news where each story is more heinous than the one before, the levels of shock, amazement, and complete exasperation begin to wear down our emotional response. Feelings of exhaustion and defeat surface as we try to pull ourselves away from the news for a healthier outlet, only to feel body slammed by the latest current event that gets our blood boiling once again. 

The positive outcome is that our anger is driving people to march and protest, it's inciting phone calls to congress petitioning for actions to protect human rights and to stand up to the unethical and unlawful policies Trump and Bannon have crafted. It's prompting solidarity across groups of people who are coming together in a unified resistance. It's creating awareness and motivating action, and one can only hope that our future generations' leaders are being inspired today to fix what is an embarrassingly broken political system.  

The negative outcome is that we're going to reach both resistance and media fatigue. It seems implausible that we can keep this momentum going for an entire presidential term. If we're so exhausted merely weeks into it, how can we keep fighting Trump on the next fascist behavior he exhibits? We're drawn to the current issue like moths to a fire and we're not paying attention to what's happening in the darkness behind us as they're working on far worse plans. Theories are circulating that perhaps this is Bannon's master plan at work to get the public riled up over measures that won't hold up in the law while he (er, they) can work on dismantling the government and our American democracy. As Jake Fuentes wrote, our resistance could be playing right into Trump's playbook. 

We cannot allow ourselves to be so hyper-focused on one issue that we ignore the rest. We must remain vigilant and conserve some of our energy for the many remaining efforts ahead. We must ensure our crowds do not dwindle in size as we keep protesting and that our voices do not waiver as we continue to speak out. We need to support each other by providing strength and encouragement to keep fighting the good fight and standing up to the administration. We must recover from the divisiveness in our social circles caused by polarizing beliefs and find ways to join forces on some common beliefs. We must not become desensitized and we have to keep spreading awareness to inspire the generosity of financial contributions, pro bono legal support, countless hours of selfless volunteer efforts, and general human compassion and kindness.

We cannot let Trump get away with tyranny. We must resist. We will not let him exhaust us into submission. 

#trump #politicalexhaustion #media #resistance


Corporate Responsibility Against Trump and Public Backlash Against Uber

Trump has worked harder and faster than any past president in order to achieve an abysmal 50% disapproval rating in his very first week, a feat that took the previous guys 2-3 years to achieve. The public outcry and protests across the nation and around the globe have offered some affirmation that a resistance is being enacted to fight for what's right and prevent continued unethical and unlawful actions by this president.

We the people are the best chance of shattering his fragile ego since he's so concerned about his popularity; we are the voices of this great nation and need to ensure our government officials who represent us know what we actually want and need; and we are the checks and balances to hold our government accountable for their actions. Our petitions, rallies, phone calls, letters, and social media rants are not enough. We need to make a financial impact and get backing by corporations who have greater influence in the resistance than any individual. 

Our power is not only in our voices but also our dollars, and how we use our dollars to send a strong message in support of companies that align with our values or against companies that align themselves with the questionable values of our president and his administration. Money drives our economy, lobbies our government and funds our politicians, and plays into the greed of this particular president and his cronies.  

In response to the Muslim ban, several companies quickly issued public statements speaking out against Trump and reiterating their commitment to inclusion.

Some of the companies that excelled include: 

Some of the companies that had a decent response, but we should implore them to do more:

Some of the companies that really should have done better:

In case you're wondering who to boycott then, here's a very short excerpt from a much longer shit list of companies that fund and support Trump and so far are not holding him accountable for his actions:

  • Home Depot
  • Yeungling
  • New Balance
  • Hobby Lobby
  • Jenny Craig
  • Forbes

** Uber has received massive backlash from the public and helped to escalate Lyft to the top 10 list of Apple's app store thanks entirely to how they handled (or mishandled) messaging during protests and strikes after Trump's executive order was made public. 

Years ago, feeling appalled by their slow and insufficient response to rapes committed by their unvetted drivers, I boycotted Uber until they updated their background checks and took responsibility for ensuring safety of their customers. This past weekend, dozens of my friends deleted the Uber app for a variety of reasons of which the tip of the iceberg for them was their fumbled response to Trump's policy.

I put out a call to friends to help me understand why exactly I should boycott Uber, and I wasn't given any reason that convinced me. That is not to say I think Uber could not have done better, and I will monitor them closely to ensure they as a company align with my values if I continue to remain loyal to them. In our great capitalist nation, I have choices and I will always choose to support companies that earn my trust and respect. I will be loyal to those brands who support and promote human rights and civil liberties. Uber has lost many users this week, it's up to them to hear the message loud and clear and shift their business ethics and messaging in a more positive direction.

I 100% agree Lyft is amazing for pledging $1,000,000 to the ACLU over the next 4 years but does that in itself make Uber bad? They didn't go on strike, but seeing as how the drivers are non-unionized independent contractors, should they have? They did send out messaging that they cut their prices instead of instating surge prices -- this was not well-received. Did Lyft go on strike? No. Lyft had drivers at the airports, but the backlash against Uber for doing the same is due in part to Lyft's timely public pledge in support of civil liberties. 

The most questionable issue for me is that CEO Travis Kalanick is part of Trump's advisory team (along with Elon Musk). However, he has been critical of Trump in the past and hopefully will use his position to be a voice of reason and hold him accountable. I can understand that he has to work with this administration if he wants to influence public policy around riders, drivers, and cities, I just hope he takes a moral higher ground to do so. 

Uber was slow to issue a public statement and their messaging didn't take as strong a stance on the issue, and quite frankly may have been a mitigating reaction to the #deleteuber trend. However, I don't see any evidence that they support Trump or agree with anything the imbecile is doing to our country, so therefore I won't be deleting my app at this time. Hopefully I won't regret my naiveté in giving them a pass on this one.

The folks at Lyft would be stupid not to take advantage of their perceived moral superiority to Uber, but only if they're committed to respond adequately when the next opportunity arises. In the end, they're all companies with revenue as their number one focus. I plead to these companies to earn the loyalty of the people they depend on for that revenue by taking a stronger position on important social issues. I plead to the public to hold the companies you support accountable to uphold your values. Together we can join forces to send a real message of the economic consequences of endorsement of Trump's authoritarian regime. 

#trump #corporateresponsibility #uber #deleteuber #brandconscience #brandvalues


The Con Man Who Trolled Everyone.

With past presidencies, people typically knew what to expect. The left knew a GOP president would cut funding to public programs to increase spending on military and defense (but not veteran assistance). The right knew the democratic president would sign into law more programs that benefited the very people who weren't capable of contributing back to the system that funds the programs they use. The left knew the GOP president would appeal to the corporations and the loudest deep-pocketed lobbyists. The right knew the democratic president would use federal power to force states and small businesses to be more inclusive against their own beliefs. 

With the looming Trump presidency, neither side can predict what our nation's greatest con man will do. He has shown us he is erratic, easily provokable, and tantrum-prone. He's shown us he will appeal to the lowest scum of the earth and use hate and bigotry as fuel to spread support. Still, there are those who are willing to look past his actions during his campaign with hopes that he might show a more moderate and reasonable temperament as president. 

His very first week as president-elect has provided no reassurances that he will not tear this country apart or that he won't destroy people's lives in the process. Donald Trump is a man who has no convictions of his own. His entire platform was based on rhetoric he knew would resonate with a large mass of voters. Yes, he's a racist. Yes, he's a misogynist. Yes, he's a greedy and unethical businessman. However, I don't believe he personally cares about immigration policies or abortion. He doesn't care about any policy that doesn't affect him personally. Perhaps affordable healthcare is one that comes at a cost to his corporations. He doesn't care about the role of government in people's lives, only business. I certainly doubt he's going to try to change the tax loophole that's allowed him to not pay taxes for 18 years, even though he accused Hillary Clinton of being part of the government that allowed him to get away with it. This man has no convictions of his own. He simply wants power, and to repay the groups who secured his election win, he's willing to share that power with other dangerous men who happen to have very strong convictions -- ones which go against human rights. 

Trump's hiring of Steve Bannon for Chief Strategist gives power to the racist white supremacists who voted him into office. David Duke of the KKK is thrilled with this choice, unsurprisingly. Trump's consideration of Rudy Giuliani for any of several cabinet positions is appalling -- but not in any way shocking. A man with multiple conflicts of interest in foreign countries and not an ounce of diplomacy or tact, Giuliani is no better equipped to work with foreign affairs than Donald Trump himself. Not to mention -- he's incredibly racist. Seems to be a recurring theme in the people Trump is surrounding himself with. Speaking of his posse, given the absurdity of the entire election and the choices he's making for his cabinet, it's not entirely improbable that Trump requested top secret clearance for his kids and son-in-law so they can be briefed along with him as some sources have reported. The man has no interest in doing the president's job, he simply wanted the president's title and power. Now that he got his tiny little hands on the presidency, his supporters might be just as disappointed as his opposers with what he does with it.   

How do the affordable healthcare opposers feel now that the candidate they voted for based on his campaign promise to repeal and replace it altogether it has indicated he won't be taking steps to repeal the affordable healthcare act? 

How are the "build a wall" proponents feeling now that his plans have proven far less substantial than promised? 

And those who have stood firmly against gay marriage and believed their candidate's recent position was the same as theirs, how do they feel now that he's saying he won't repeal that either? 

Or the racist bigots who are being told by Trump himself to "stop it" with the hate crimes, do they feel betrayed and unfairly scolded by the man who was validating and inciting them for the past two years? 

I wonder how the people who were somehow convinced he's not racist or misogynistic (or that felt the fact that he is racist and misogynistic won't impact policies) feel now that he's appointed an openly anti-semitic white supremacist wife abuser as his chief strategist? 

What about the anti-establishment voters, are they feeling lied to now that they're seeing that he's staffed his team with political insiders and lobbyists despite campaigning against this very thing? 

I am curious how the people who knew he was incompetent but hoped he'd surround himself with smart people feel now that he's chosen staff members whose qualifications point to politics built on power and intimidation rather than experience and skills. 

Donald Trump is no one's president. He is a con man who trolled everyone, and in the end, he will simply make choices that benefit his personal gain. He is a man of no convictions other than a desire for power and the money that comes with it.  

#trump #conman #notmypresident

What Privileged People Need to Understand About Trump's Threats

At initial glance, this felt like one of the truest statements made about the 2016 election. Somewhat back-handed, it is directed at the privileged people who voted for Donald Trump because he doesn't threaten their human rights. No one should accept his racism or his many other unforgivable qualities, but it is to some extent understandable that privilege makes it difficult to see or understand the gravity of his words and actions. There are so many types of privilege at play here, predominantly the following:  

Male privilege. This could make it understandable how one could overlook sexual assault and misogyny against women. Men do not feel threatened on a daily basis because of their gender, so perhaps it's difficult to see how policies that take away a woman's choice over her own body or a legal system that doesn't protect women against rape and assault are serious concerns under Trump's presidency. It's not the first thing to come to mind for someone who is not personally affected. 

White privilege. This could make it understandable how one could not take seriously the threats against minorities and immigrants. White people haven't experienced racism so perhaps it's difficult to see how social policies designed to suppress others based on race are a real thing and will become more probable under Trump's presidency. Most white voters probably didn't even realize or think about this possibility because it's never been something they've needed to be aware of themselves.  

Socio-economic privilege. This could make it understandable how someone could not fear the impact of economic destruction and the repeal of affordable healthcare. If you've never had to worry about earning enough money to keep a roof over your head, if you've never had to weigh the cost of medical treatment against the effects of prolonged suffering, if you've never had to be thankful for social programs that allow your child to eat lunch at school because you can't afford to feed them -- it makes sense you wouldn't be able to see the financial fears people have about Trump's presidency.  

Heterosexual privilege. This could make it understandable how someone could not fear the impact of policy changes that will not cause any change in daily life for heterosexual people. Meanwhile, my trans friends are concerned with legality of their name changes and access to healthcare. My gay friends are concerned with the recognition of their marriage. My queer friends across the spectrum are concerned with threats of violence or discrimination in the workplace or with housing. Someone who is straight and doesn't personally know any LGBT people may not realize how much Trump's presidency threatens to change. 

Seriously though, despite privilege, you should be capable of seeing what a dangerous president Trump will be. 

It does not require having a penis to understand that a president needs to not be hateful and violent toward women. Plenty of men voted and continue to petition against Trump because although they are male, they have women in their lives they respect and love. Plenty of men without a specific woman in their life whom they feel the need to protect are just plain capable of seeing men and women as equals and care about human rights. 

Being white is not an excuse either. One doesn't have to be threatened personally to understand a threat against another human being is just plain wrong. You can be white and still be abhorred by the violence Trump encouraged against black people at his rallies. You don't even have to personally know any illegal Mexican immigrants to know they're not all "rapists and criminals". You don't see racism with your skin color, you see it with your eyes. You know it with your brain. And yes, regardless of your own race, you can feel it in your heart when your fellow humans are being attacked and threatened. 

Wealthy individuals may benefit from paying less in taxes and may not be personally concerned with affordable healthcare or the volatile changes to real estate and global economy, but any individual with half a brain should understand the long-lasting impact an economic downturn has not only on our nation of 325 or so million people but also across the world. No one should want the economy destroyed, even rich folks.  

You can be straight and still understand that roughly 9 million people are not and they deserve the same rights you have -- for marriage, housing, employment, financial loans, adoption, healthcare, use of public restrooms, freedom from violence, etc. 

Still, perhaps people of privilege can be excused for their ignorance, but what about the Trump voters who fall into into the many non-privileged groups his campaign has promised to harm?  

By far, the data I've found most incomprehensible is the statistical breakdown of actual Trump voters that exposes how many women and minorities voted for him. It would make sense perhaps if women and people of color voted for him because they fell into the third category of privilege I listed above - that of a higher socio-economic class. However, media reports show that many of them are poor and struggling -- hopeful for some sort of change. Could they feel so far removed from personal impact of his platform that they don't feel a threat? Could they be so un-educated that they can't understand the change they need is not the one they'll get? 

According to exit polls published on NY Times  42% of women voted for Trump. They voted for a man who bragged about being a sexual predator and who has disrespected women countless times and is facing charges for raping a 13 year old girl. It is unbelievable to me that any woman would throw her morals aside to cast a vote for him. He also garnered support from people of color who voted for him -- 8% of black voters, 29% of hispanic/latino voters, 29% of asian voters, and 37% of voters who identified as "other" did too. While exit polls are not accurately representative of nationwide statistics, these numbers are far greater than I'd expect for a man who has openly insulted blacks, hispanics/latinos, and asians throughout his campaigns. 5% of people who identify as LGBT voted for Trump!! This is a man whose campaign stands against many policies protecting the rights of the LGBT population, how can any LGBT person be okay with what this means for their community? An overwhelming number of people voted for Trump simply because they felt a needed change. Change is coming, and I hope the people who voted for him understand they are responsible for the damages these changes will bring. 

Lastly, it's important to note that nearly 47% of the U.S. population eligible to vote -- didn't. At all. They simply chose not to vote in our modern history's most critical election. These people are equally implicated in whatever may come as a result of their inaction. These people are just as responsible for electing a racist, misogynistic, and homophobic president who will cause great harm to so many people.   

A racist president will not protect people of color from being relegated to second-class citizenship, he will not protect us from violent attacks from the racist America he has revived, he will not protect us from discrimination in the workplace / housing market / financial institutions, and he most certainly will not protect American citizens of color and their families from the effects of deportation and immigration policy changes that were the foundation of his racist platform.   

A misogynist president will not protect women's rights to their own reproductive system, their healthcare access, their equal pay, or their rights to justice after assault. 

A homophobic president will not protect the rights to healthcare for trans people, the right to marriage for gay people, the right to live and work without discrimination and threats of violence. 

Circling back to the concept of privilege and how it plays a role in how people voted. My Trump-supporting friends stated they're not racist (and they don't believe Trump is racist) but that they voted for Trump based on policy. What their privilege prevents them from understanding is why racism matters in policy making. And while the quote at the top of this post is about racism, the election of Trump as our president will result in policies that have far wider impact across many groups of non-privileged people. This is something that people of privilege need to understand and acknowledge, and need to help prevent now that Trump is our president elect.  

#privilege #trump

Dear Trump Supporting Friends

Like most of my friends and family, election night and the following days I found myself in tears trying to process the ugly reality that is unfolding not only for our nation but the world. I am angry at myself for feeling optimistic the past few weeks despite my long-held belief that America has not yet overcome its racism, misogyny, and blatant stupidity enough to make the right choice. I am somewhat consoled that by the numbers, more people voted for progressiveness. and yet by the system which we uphold as a critical part of our democratic foundation, we enabled the election of an unqualified and dangerous demagogue as our next president. We are flawed. This is far from the change we needed.

I have very few friends who voted for Trump, and because I believe in democracy, I respect their right to do so despite my feelings about their choice or their personal values. I have known since long before this election that some of these friends are racist even though they cannot see that in themselves. I have chosen not to engage in discussions with them about politics or pretty much anything of any moral substance. I will continue to silently judge them for their support of a man who has openly been cruel to so many groups of people including me and people I love and including people I don't even know but care about because I have a heart. I will never excuse these friends for overlooking the immorality of a man who incited violence and exploited hatred with zero regard for humanity. There is nothing I can think of that can justify consciously choosing a man who sexually assaults women and young girls.

Sick of hearing people complain about the election results? It must be that you've never experienced racism and been the recipient of hatred. Lucky you. Think I'm being unreasonable and overreacting? Convince me please that I don't need to fear for the safety of my family. Show me if you can that my already marginalized friends will not see setbacks in their civil liberties. Reassure me that our economy will not be destroyed. Please promise our country will be safe from terrorist attacks. Maybe then I can stop worrying and lamenting the grave mistake we have made with this election. Until you can dissuade the fears, please understand that your gloating only sets us apart further because you've pledged your allegiance to a man whose vision of a great America is one without me in it.

#trump #trumpsupporters

State of a Broken Nation

Our race relations are at an all-time low point in recent history. Our media profits from inciting hatred and fear. Our lackluster education system produces feeble minds which are easily brainwashed. Our law enforcement operates without proper training and accountability. Our government is corrupt and in disrepair. Our lives are in the hands of unregulated gun owners who all believe they are the good guy and their motives are justified. Our upcoming elections do not give hope to a promising future. Our nation is in great need of healing and reform. We are spiraling out of control. We desperately need change.

Good Behavior Is Not Real

During my childhood, I felt let down by the criminal justice system when they released a man from his prison sentence for "good behavior". Of course, they didn't have young girls in prison for him to exhibit his bad behavior. I feel let down again knowing that Brock Turner's already-too-short sentence will be cut down to 3 months. How is our consistently flawed justice system protecting the public and upholding its duty to mitigate crime by letting this man serve only 3 months?

This injustice feeds into the misogynistic and violent belief that a man violating a woman is no big deal, especially when he's a privileged young white guy. It perpetuates the stigma that the victim is at fault and that because she was drunk, he committed no crime.

I feel anguish for all the survivors who have been let down by a system that showed leniency to predatory behavior. I feel so much agony and empathy for the victims who will be too afraid to come forward because they feel hopeless that justice will be served. This is not only disappointing, it is downright scary. Our justice system is sending across a dangerous message with this case that sexual violence is okay. Considering the statistics on sexual violence, I imagine this case has been a trigger for many people I know. I am grateful for the number of posts I'm seeing from outraged people who seem to understand the simple concept of consent.


#brockturner #sexualassault #nojustice